NBN Guitar

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6.1 Exercise 1, 2, 3, 9, 13 & 66 Score

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2.2 Read the Score & Listen to the Full Performance

2.3 Study the Score & Score Notes

3.     Full Play-Through

3.1 Watch the Full Performance

3.2 Full performance with Score

3.3 Left-Hand Focus

3.4 Left-Hand Focus with Score

3.5 Right-Hand Focus

3.6 Right-Hand Focus with Score

4.     D Major Scale

4.1 Introduction & Explanation

4.2 D Major Scale (Open)

4.3 D Major Scale (Closed)

5.     Guide & Pivot Finger Left-Hand Concepts

5.1 Guide & Pivot Finger Explanation

6.     Giuliani Right-Hand Exercises

6.1 Exercise 1, 2, 3, 9, 13 & 66 Score