Married Life by Michael Giacchino


“Married Life,” composed by Michael Giacchino, is a touching and iconic piece featured in the opening sequence of Pixar’s animated film “Up.” Known for its emotional depth and memorable melody, this piece has been widely transcribed for various instruments, including the classical guitar. Giacchino, a renowned composer, has crafted a piece that encapsulates a lifetime of emotions in just a few minutes, making it a favorite among musicians and audiences alike.

Transcribing “Married Life” for classical guitar brings a new dimension to its charming and poignant melody. The piece is typically performed at a moderate tempo, allowing the expressive nuances of the melody to shine through. Originally in the key of F major but transposed down a half step to E major for ease of playing, “Married Life” features a couple of modulations that add to its emotional journey, transitioning through related keys that enhance the narrative arc of the music.

The arrangement for classical guitar maintains the piece’s original charm, with the guitar’s warm, resonant tones perfectly complementing the lyrical lines and harmonic richness. The piece’s structure, with its memorable themes and variations, provides ample opportunity for dynamic contrasts and expressive phrasing.

Performing “Married Life” on classical guitar requires a delicate touch and a keen sense of musicality. The guitarist must navigate the quite a few demanding passages, especially the artificial harmonics section at the end.

“Married Life” stands as a testament to Giacchino’s ability to create music that is both technically engaging and deeply moving. Its transcription for classical guitar not only preserves the piece’s original beauty but also highlights the instrument’s expressive range, making it an interesting addition to the classical guitar repertoire.

Musical Style

Michael Giacchino’s musical style is characterized by its emotional depth, memorable melodies, and sophisticated orchestration. He is known for his ability to blend various genres and influences, creating scores that enhance the narrative and emotional impact of the films and video games he scores. Giacchino often employs lush, sweeping strings, poignant piano lines, and dynamic brass sections to convey a wide range of emotions. His work is also notable for its thematic coherence, with recurring motifs that develop throughout his compositions. Giacchino’s versatility and creativity have made him one of the most respected and sought-after composers in the entertainment industry.

Notable Pieces

Five notable pieces by Michael Giacchino:

• “Life and Death” (Lost)

• “Married Life” (Up)

• “Ratatouille Main Theme” (Ratatouille)

• “The Incredibles Theme” (The Incredibles)

• “Worlds Worst Parking Valet” (Jurassic World)

Let your fingers fly!


Course Information

Difficulty: Intermediate

Course Instructor

Joshua Rogers Joshua Rogers Author

A teacher and lover of all things guitar!

Married Life Course


About this Course


“Married Life,” composed by Michael Giacchino, is a touching and iconic piece featured in the opening sequence of Pixar’s animated film “Up.” Known for its emotional depth and memorable melody, this piece has been widely transcribed for various instruments, including the classical guitar. Giacchino, a renowned composer, has crafted a piece that encapsulates a lifetime of emotions in just a few minutes, making it a favorite among musicians and audiences alike.

Transcribing “Married Life” for classical guitar brings a new dimension to its charming and poignant melody. The piece is typically performed at a moderate tempo, allowing the expressive nuances of the melody to shine through. Originally in the key of F major but transposed down a half step to E major for ease of playing, “Married Life” features a couple of modulations that add to its emotional journey, transitioning through related keys that enhance the narrative arc of the music.

The arrangement for classical guitar maintains the piece’s original charm, with the guitar’s warm, resonant tones perfectly complementing the lyrical lines and harmonic richness. The piece’s structure, with its memorable themes and variations, provides ample opportunity for dynamic contrasts and expressive phrasing.

Performing “Married Life” on classical guitar requires a delicate touch and a keen sense of musicality. The guitarist must navigate the quite a few demanding passages, especially the artificial harmonics section at the end.

“Married Life” stands as a testament to Giacchino’s ability to create music that is both technically engaging and deeply moving. Its transcription for classical guitar not only preserves the piece’s original beauty but also highlights the instrument’s expressive range, making it an interesting addition to the classical guitar repertoire.

Musical Style

Michael Giacchino’s musical style is characterized by its emotional depth, memorable melodies, and sophisticated orchestration. He is known for his ability to blend various genres and influences, creating scores that enhance the narrative and emotional impact of the films and video games he scores. Giacchino often employs lush, sweeping strings, poignant piano lines, and dynamic brass sections to convey a wide range of emotions. His work is also notable for its thematic coherence, with recurring motifs that develop throughout his compositions. Giacchino’s versatility and creativity have made him one of the most respected and sought-after composers in the entertainment industry.

Notable Pieces

Five notable pieces by Michael Giacchino:

• “Life and Death” (Lost)

• “Married Life” (Up)

• “Ratatouille Main Theme” (Ratatouille)

• “The Incredibles Theme” (The Incredibles)

• “Worlds Worst Parking Valet” (Jurassic World)

Let your fingers fly!


Course Information

Difficulty: Intermediate

Course Instructor

Joshua Rogers Joshua Rogers Author

A teacher and lover of all things guitar!

Married Life Course


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